Economic Development
A multidisciplinary team for local entrepreneurs
The SOPER: present at every stage of your business project
- Launch La multidisciplinarité de notre équipe : une aide précieuse en démarrage d’entreprise
- Consolidation
- Expansion
- Succession Our professionals encourage entrepreneurial succession!
- Acquisition
- Support, advice and tools for each step of business development:
- Drafting a business plan
- Financial planning
- Geographic placing
- Market analysis and positioning
- Sector regulations and constraints
- Communications (public relations and social media)
- Marketing
- Organisation of customized training for entrepreneurs
- Guidance to appropriated resources and networking
- Support for municipalities, development corporations and local committees to help prioritize initiatives, plan and accomplish projects
- On-site support for successful consultation, mobilisation and collaboration
- Accompagnement et soutien aux projets de démarrage, d’acquisition, de relève, d’expansion et de consolidation
- Recherche de financement
- Financement sous forme de prêt
- Réseau M (Network M) affiliated mentorship service
- Representative and STA director for the local employment centre (CLE)
- Support and advice for business and leisure tourism
- Index and referrals to services and product providers
- A warm welcome and tourist information for visitors
- Training for different stakeholders in the tourism industry
And for all businesses
- Self-employed workers
- Collective businesses (cooperatives and non-profit organisations)
- Individual businesses
- Incorporated businesses
- Partnerships
A bank of candidates for entrepreneurial succession
The region’s accounting firms and the SOPER have partnered to create a database of candidates interested in entrepreneurial succession. Contact us for more information.
To take you far:
SOPER is proud to be a member of :